I left off last time talking about a statement made by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and how weighty that can be. So, please check that post out it you haven't already!
Before I really dive in, I want to remind everyone that I do not stand on a moral high ground here. I do not consider myself better than ANYONE. In fact, quite the opposite. I am deeply flawed, and it's only by the grace of Jesus that I write this today!
Ok, let's go!
To put yourself in a position to where you are know by the content of your character may seem fine at first thought. But, what about if you have to lay-out everything you've EVER done? No matter how big or how small. You put it all on the table, and then by those actions is how you are known. How would that make you feel? I have done things in my life that I am not proud of, and would shutter to be known by those actions/failures to act. Would you shutter? It would be hard not to. You may decry that this wouldn't be fair, and I may be inclined to agree with you. However, in keeping with being known by the content of our character, it seems that this is the ONLY fair thing. Why would we consider it unfair? Maybe you have done things that you want to no longer define you. Recently, I have learned that JNCO jeans are making a comeback. I never owned a pair a JNCO jeans because I thought they were ridiculous, even at age 12. But there are some (my wife included) who are excited that they are coming back. As adults now, even those who wore them, agree that 50" pants legs are just too much. I mean, c'mon! 50" pant legs!! That would fit around the waist of a fairly large man!!! Nostalgia man! It has a strong hold on us, me included. How often do we look back on what was, and even though we may hate it, we have a somewhat fond memory? I would argue that we look back fondly because those thing are not what defines me/you. You may have wore some ridiculous jeans back in middle school, and while you can remember them well, that's not what defines you as a 30 year-old adult.
Like JNCO's, there are things that happened in the past that were done for that time. I'm sure AquaNet's stock plummeted with the opening notes of, "Smells Like Teen Spirit." So, how do we reconcile what was done in the past and how it defines us now? Paul, empowered by the Holy Spirit, had something really similar to say to the church of Ephesus. (Ephesians 5:8a)
"For you were once darkness..."
While this was written to the church of Ephesus, it still has a parallel and is relevant in our lives today. To give some context, the subject matter starts back in Ephesians 4:17 (I'm not going to post the entire segment. If you don't own a Bible, biblegateway.com is a great website to check out).
I feel I would be remiss if I did not point out something it this passage. This is passage does not say that we where, "in darkness." It states that we, "were once darkness, talking about a time where we did not know Christ. If you take this passage back the original Greek, you get the word, "skotos." When you put that next to the various adjectives for this word, you get things like:
Not to beat a dead horse, but DARKNESS! The absence of light. In philosophical terms, if white (light) is every color, then black (darkness) is void of color.
There is nothing satisfying about darkness. It is a race we run to wit there is no end. An insatiable hunger that we constantly feed with anything we think will pacify, only to be left at the table hungry and wanting more.
So, how does this tie-in the our character?
Based off Paul's definition, then my time before Christ was darkness. I would be inclined to agree. To any skeptics, I appreciate your opinion, but I believe this to be true. No one is paying me to say this. This was my life. Even as a kid who grew-up in a churched family, it wasn't until I was older before I really understood Jesus. I am still trying to figure out Jesus. Jesus challenges my conceptions of Him daily. Sounds weird, but it's true. But as it stands, my actions laid bare before King only stand prove of the glorious salvation and sanctification that are found in the person of Jesus Christ.
Wait...wait...what about the bad stuff you've done? You're just not accountable for those things now because you're, "saved?"
Again, if my time before Christ was darkness, then my time in Christ is light! (Ephesians 5:8b)
"...but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light."
Based on that, my life in Christ is not a cop-out. There is no darkness in Christ! Like I said, everything is laid bare. Jesus exposes & saves from sin. He does not cover it up! I can choose to be perpetually crippled by my imperfections, or I can give into the freedom that is found in Christ!
Whether you feel as if you don't a savior, or if you feel that you're too far-gone to be saved, Jesus still wants and pursues you. Romans 5:8 says that while we were/are sinners, Christ died for us. It's an open invitation. We should long to be known by the content of our character.
Does your character hide in darkness, or celebrate in the Light?
Please fell free to leave feedback. Good, bad, or indifferent.
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